1.Kun Zhang†, Qi Zeng†, Rouyun Jiang, Songbiao Shi, Jian Yang*, Lijuan Long, Xinpeng Tian*. Three Novel Marine Species of Paracoccus, and the Characterization of Their Capability to Perform Heterotrophic Nitrification and Aerobic Denitrification. Microorganisms. 2023, 11, 1532.
2.Kun Zhang†, Linqing Cui, Qi Zeng, Songbiao Shi1, Lijuan long*, Xinpeng Tian*. Paenimyroides aestuarii gen. nov. sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from sediment in the Pearl River Estuary and reclassification of five Flavobacterium and four Myroides species. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2023, 73, 6091.
3.Shi Songbio, Linqing Cui, Kun Zhang, Qi Zeng, Qinglian Li, Liang Ma, Long Lijuan*, Tian Xinpeng*. Streptomyces marincola sp. nov., a Novel Marine Actinomycete, and Its Biosynthetic Potential of Bioactive Natural Products. Fronters in Microbiology, 2022. 13:860308.
4.Shi Songbio, Linqing Cui, Qi Zeng, Long Lijuan*, Tian Xinpeng*. Nocardioides coralli sp. nov., an actinobacterium isolated from stony coral in the South China Sea. Int J Syst Evol Micro, 2022;72: 005342.
5.Yu-Qin Zhang*, Xin-Peng Tian, Louis S. Tisa, Imen Nouioui, Wen-Jun Li. Editorial: A Focus on Actinobacteria: Diversity, Distribution, and Secondary Metabolites. Fronters in Microbioloy. 2022, 13:902360.
6.Rouwen Chen, Yuan-Qiu He, Lin-Qing Cui, Cun Li, Song-Biao Shi, Lijuan Long*, Xinpeng Tian*. Diversity and distribution of uncultured and cultured Gaiellales and Rubrobacterales in South China Sea sediments. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2021, 12:657072.
7.Cun Li, Yuan-Qiu He, Lin-Qing Cui, Luciana Albuquerque, Rou-Wen Chen, Lijuan Long*, Xinpeng Tian*. Miltoncostaea marina gen. nov. sp. nov., and Miltoncostaea oceani sp. nov. a novel deep branching phylogenetic lineage within the class Thermoleophilia isolated from marine environments, and proposal of Miltoncostaeaceae fam. nov. and Miltoncostaeales ord. nov. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 2021, 44: 126216.
8.KeXin Wang, Cun Li, Yuan-Qiu He, Lin-Qing Cui, Rou-Wen Chen, Li-Juan Long* and Xin-Peng Tian*. Brevibacillus marinus sp. nov., a thermophilic bacterium isolated from deep sea sediment in the South China Sea. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 2021; 71:005154.
9.Huanqiu He, Rouwen Chen, Cun Li, Songbiao Shi, Linqing Cui, Lijuan Long* Xinpeng Tian* Actinomarinicola tropica gen. nov. sp. nov., a new marine actinobacterium of the family Iamiaceae, isolated from South China Sea sediment environments. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 2020. 70: 3852–3858.
10.Rouwen Chen, Cun Li, Yuanqiu He, Linqing Cui, Lijuan Long*, Xinpeng Tian*. Rubrobacter tropicus sp. nov. and Rubrobacter marinus sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea sediment of the South China Sea. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 2020; 70(10):5576-5585.
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